The Online Otto Dix Project

A German Artist and Print Maker

Copyright Information

Much of the art published on this site exists in the public domain. Any work in the public domain is available for any use by anybody. To avoid notions of plagiarism, all art on this site is duly attributed to the original creator. In the United States, public domain includes any work that was published anywhere in the world prior to January 1, 1923. It is defined by the U.S. Copyright Office as any work that is not copyrighted, i.e.,

  • was never eligible for copyright or
  • had its copyright expire.

Mechanical reproductions of original two-dimensional art inherit the copyright of the art. If the art is in the public domain, then so is the reproduction. In cases in which the art remains copyrighted, the original owner maintains copyright protection.

Any item published in the United States without copyright notice between 1923 and 1977 exists in the public domain. To the best of our knowledge, this applies to the following items:

  • How I Looked As A Soldier(1924)
  • Self-portrait as a Prisoner of War (1947)

In June 2039, Otto Dix will be dead for 70 years. At which time, his work will exist in the public domain in the United States. Until then, it is possible that some copyrights may be held by the person who commissioned the work or heirs thereof. It is believed that the use of low resolution reproductions for the purpose of critical commentary is justified under the terms of fair use. Any other use of these images may violate copyright protection.

The images listed below are claimed under fair use for the following reasons:


  • They are historically significant
  • They are used for informational purposes only.
  • Their inclusion enhances our presentation of Otto Dix’s body of work.
  • They are readily available on the public internet. 


We feel this claim applies to the following items:

  • Three Prostitutes on the Street (1925)
  • War Triptych (1929-32)
  • Der Krieg © 2009 Artists Rights Society (ARS) and used under fair use.

About the banner photograph:

Otto Dix with Carnation, 1929

by Hugo Erfurth
Oil print. 24,5 x 31 cm
Museum Ludwig, Colonia (Collection of Photographs)
Repro: Rheinisches Bildarchiv Koeln
In February 2018, Hugo Erfurth will be dead for 70 years. At which time, his work will exist in the public domain in the United States. Until then, we claim use of the banner photograph under the terms of fair use. Any other use of this image may violate copyright protection.